Grief Packet is a website with a grief overview, key grief concepts, and useful grief resources with a one pager grief packet. This site is intended for anyone looking to learn more about grief, whether it is for themselves, to support a loved one, or grief professionals creating materials to provide for families. Everyone has unique situations and needs after the loss of a loved one, but our goal is to bring awareness of different resources and ideas that may help you in your grief journey. This site is not a comprehensive set of grief resources, so we also encourage you to explore other sites, organizations, groups, and individuals in order to find ways to cope with your grief and to honor your loved one.

This site was created in honor of our dear Wesley. We spent 29 days with Wes making memories we will treasure forever. After he suddenly passed away and left our family devastated, we worked to find ways to help each other cope with his loss. We are always finding different ways to remember and honor him. Wes will always be in our hearts.

Later on, our family faced another heartbreaking loss with the stillbirth of our beautiful Nora. Her absence left a void that echoed the pain we felt from losing Wes. While the pain of losing both Wes and Nora will always linger, their presence in our hearts continues to inspire us to seek solace and cherish the time we had, however brief. We honor their memories not only by remembering the love they brought into our lives but also by striving to support others who may be going through similar challenges. Wes and Nora’s legacies remain woven into the fabric of our family’s story, guiding us to navigate life’s journey with love, resilience, and empathy.

We have tried to use our knowledge and skills, as well as our experiences with tragedy to inform others about grief and different types of resources and communities. We wish you the best in your grief journey and hope that you are able to find ways to cope, and even if now is not the time that you pursue certain avenues, know that in time you may find those same things to be helpful.

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